Can Women Be Pastors?

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Let’s look at the different roles in the church. There are elders and deacons in the church today. Elders can have different roles in today’s church, but they are generally seen as leaders and teachers; this is a biblical role as seen in 1Timothy 5:17. Elders must meet very strict qualifications outlined in Titus.

There are also deacons in the church. The term deacon means servant or, “to serve”. In acts 6 the office of deacon was formed to free the apostles from waiting tables. The apostles were not above waiting on tables, but this took away from their ministry. Similarly in today’s church the deacons serve where needed, allowing the leadership to focus on ministry and serving the congregations spiritual needs.

I do not believe women can serve as elders (pastors) in the church, because it is a position of authority and teaching. In Titus, the qualifications state the elder must be, “a man above reproach, the husband of one wife.” It does not say anywhere in the qualifications for elder, a woman can hold that office. 1Timothy 2:12, Paul states he does not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man. To me that is perfectly clear, I cannot even summarize it any clearer. Deacons on the other hand are servants and serve the church, without exercising authority. Most importantly, 1Timothy 3:11 seems to allow for female deacons, or deaconess’ saying, “Women likewise must be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things.” In reading Romans 16, it states there were female servants of the Lord. Again, we are all servants of God, the teaching though is left to the men of the church.

I have heard many arguments on why women should be ordained. Some say it was cultural, that women could not teach in that culture, but they can now. That makes no sense; I see nothing in scripture to say that was cultural. We can talk about Phoebe or Priscilla, but where were they teaching publicly? Where were they exercising spiritual authority over a man? I do not see them doing that; I see them as awesome servants of God. Those are the biggest arguments I hear in regards to women pastors.

I believe these restrictions are for church only and do not apply to home or the workplace. What I mean is I think women can and rightly do have authority over men in the work place. I have worked for female employers and have no problem doing so. In the workplace setting, I submit to my female bosses authority. I know there are women who know more about certain subjects than I do and I would have no problem learning from them. These passages should not and better not be used to put women down, or degrade them. Women have a very important role to play for the Lord. God created us to be equal, we just have specific roles to adhere to.

Women can and do make great contributions to Theology and leadership. The best way I can think of is in a supporting role. I personally know without my wife’s support, I would not be where I am today. Women can manage finances, women’s ministries, children’s ministries and such. Women just cannot teach men or have authority over a man. Even in the women’s or children’s ministry, they cannot hold the title of pastor because that would put them in leadership over other men.

This is always a touchy subject so I must clarify a few points. Women are not inferior to men. Yes, wives must submit to their husbands, but husbands must love them as Christ loves the church. Christ did not lord over the church, so in-turn husbands may not lord over their wives. Christ came to serve, so husbands should be lovingly leading, teaching, and serving their wives while their wives submit to their loving, godly authority. Men and women are equal.